Welcome Homeworlders
  On the left is the navigation to the maps you'll find on this site.  Use the arrow buttons to page up or down through the listings.  As I collect more, I'll place them here and highlight them....till the next round of updates.  If you need to get back to this page after looking around, click on the Multigun Corvette above.
  The map description pages . . . .

The author, number of players, settings, email and web site address, and description information was taken from the text file(s) associated with the map folder.  The links to the author's email or web site I imagine would, or will, change over time where trying to keep up goes a little beyond my ambitions.

The Sensors Manager screenshot is a glimpse of the universe where you'll put your skills to the test.  These screenshots where taken from the same angle (000°) and distance (zoomed all the way out) as a frame of reference.  Some maps are large and staying with this conviction was not always possible.  And believe me, these screenshots do no justice to the thought and genius the author has put into their design.

  Also . . . .
  If you'd like to view all the maps at once (my first site), click the "MOTHERLOAD" button below or click on the "WORDFILE" button to download a Word document to view them at you leisure.
  And finally . . . .

I hope you find this directory to be useful.  I would also be intereseted in hearing what you thought - good or bad.  Click the "EMAIL ME" button below to send me any comments, suggestions, errors, or criticisms you have.

And as someone once said to me, "Good luck and good hunting."

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